While I'm supportive of a council for code of conduct reviews, this budget request seems too high to me given the specific scope of work
This council operated with a budget of 18,000 OP last season. The nature of its work means most of the time there are few tasks for the council to do - it only needs to be active when a complaint has been raised. Because of this, payment is mostly a retainer, and not intended to be compensation for large amounts of work.
they've already shown an unwillingness to do their jobs. figure out what it takes to incentivize them to actually see cases through before giving them a blanket budget.
See Gonna's explanation; I think it explains our reasoning the best.
Do not support extended budget at this point. Feel like we need to work together to come up with a better path to ensuring CoC works to align people across OP.
Voting "For", although again, I am wary of the budget growth in this council. It is easy to see this creep up season over season and the natural progression in governance is for more budget and process in these kinds of positions. That all said, Juan has done a great job and there is a great need for this kind of council to exist and this proposal has my support.
Our explanation here:
We support the council but are doubtful of the drastic increase in budget. Because of this, we are voting against.
We agree with other delegates that the budget increase is too high given the rescoping of responsibilities. Supportive of the initiative overall and hope to see a revised budget presented in the next cycle.
While we strongly recommend the council to reconsider the rewards, the intention of the council’s inception should be valued and without a particular structure or proposal that is sustainable to address the CoC related matters, we should keep the council running.
Full support
CoC processed less than 8 reports last season if I'm not mistaken. - Rules of engagment go to GovNerds now - Optimism Expectations went to free market delegation - Grant misuse report goes to GovNerds and NumbaNerds. I don't see why the COC needs ot be expanded from 3 to 5 when demand is supposed to be lower on season 6 given the new design.
Although I recognize the value of having a highly trained entity (Code of Conduct Council) with a specialized skillset to oversee the Rules of Engagement, I am voting not to renew the council because: 1. The budget has expanded while much of their prior seasons responsibilities have fallen elsewhere or been accounted for in the new gov design 2. I also believe the SupportNERDs are capable of overseeing the Rules of Engagement in the absence of a CoCC That being said, Juan seems to have done an excellent job with the CoCC because he really does love the community, I can tell that each time I speak to him.. a truly authentic person.
Abstaining as I participated as a council member last season
Voting FOR the proposal.